Attachment Therapy

Attachment Therapy at Sunset Trauma Therapy in Los Angeles, CA
Attachment Therapy in Los Angeles California
Attachment therapy at Sunset Trauma Therapy
Attachment Therapy at Sunset Trauma Therapy in California

Attachment therapy is a form of therapy that focuses on building or repairing the attachment relationship within the therapy room.

The theory behind attachment therapy is that a strong, secure attachment between people is essential for healthy development, and that when this attachment is disrupted throughout childhood, it can have serious consequences for the person’s emotional and social well-being.

Since many people who come to therapy have had attachment ruptures throughout their childhood, therapy becomes a safe place to repair some of the ruptured relationships, make sense of and grieve some of the ruptures as well as experience a new way of connecting and being in relationship with someone.

This safety and connection allows for a deep healing to happen, which increases confidence, sense of identity, social skills, cognitive dissonance, emotional regulation and empathy.

Read more about attachment-based therapy here.